Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gastric Bypass

Dr. Jawad has been performing Bariatric Surgery in Central Florida since 1984, and Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery since 1999, having completed ...
gastric bypass
Gastric Bypass Surgery - WebMD
Offers information on the types of surgery, risks, potential health problems, and links to related articles.
Gastric Bypass Surgery - MayoClinic
Overview of gastric bypass surgery including what to expect during the surgical procedure, benefits, risks, complications, and possible weight-loss result.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Overview - Thinner Times
Outlines the different steps in the procedure and describes potential complications of gastric bypass surgery.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Contains pictures and a video illustrating the procedure.
Gastric Bypass Surgery - Wikipedia
User-edited article about the gastric bypass surgical procedures used to treat morbid obesity by dividing the stomach and rearranging the small intestine.
Bariatric Surgery for Severe Obesity - NIDDK
Describes the procedure intended to promote weight loss by restricting food intake or interrupting digestive processes. From the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
Weight Loss: Gastric Bypass Operations - MedicineNet
Get information on gastric bypass surgery also known as stomach stapling or bariatric surgery for weight loss. Includes complications, risks, the ...
Gastric Bypass - MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Information about the gastric bypass procedure, also known as bariatric surgery or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, including risks and expectations after surgery.
Weight Loss Surgery - MedlinePlus
Information about weight loss surgery includes articles on symptoms, treatment, prevention, and clinical trials.
Alvarado Center for Surgical Weight Control
One of the leading most respected resources for type 2 diabetes treatment and weight loss surgery information on the web; gastric bypass FAQ's